require “page.class.php”; $neirong = “内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容内容”; $content = file_get_contents($neirong); $ipage = isset($_GET[“ipage”]) ? intval($_GET[“ipage”]) : 1; $CP = new cutpage($content); $page = $CP->cut_str(); echo $page[$ipage – 1]; echo '' . $CP->pagenav() . '';
page_word = $page_word; $this->cut_tag = array("", "
", "”。", "。", ".", "!", "……", "?", ","); $this->cut_custom = "{nextpage}"; $tmp_page = isset($_GET["ipage"]) ? intval($_GET["ipage"]) : 1; $this->ipage = $tmp_page>1?$tmp_page:1; $this->pagestr = $pagestr; } //统计总字数 function get_page_word(){ $this->sum_word = $this->strlen_utf8($this->pagestr); return $this->sum_word; } /* 统计UTF-8编码的字符长度 * 一个中文,一个英文都为一个字 */ function strlen_utf8($str){ $i = 0; $count = 0; $len = strlen ($str); while ($i < $len){ $chr = ord ($str[$i]); $count++; $i++; if ($i >= $len) break; if ($chr & 0x80){ $chr <<= 1; while ($chr & 0x80) { $i++; $chr <<= 1; } } } return $count; } //设置自动分页符号 function set_cut_tag($tag_arr=array()){ $this->cut_tag = $tag_arr; } //设置手动分页符 function set_cut_custom($cut_str){ $this->cut_custom = $cut_str; } function show_cpage($ipage=0){ $this->cut_str(); $ipage = $ipage ? $ipage:$this->ipage; return $this->pagearr[$ipage]; } function cut_str(){ $str_len_word = strlen($this->pagestr); //获取使用strlen得到的字符总数 $i = 0; if ($str_len_word<=$this->page_word){ //如果总字数小于一页显示字数 $page_arr[$i] = $this->pagestr; }else{ if (strpos($this->pagestr, $this->cut_custom)){ $page_arr = explode($this->cut_custom, $this->pagestr); }else{ $str_first = substr($this->pagestr, 0, $this->page_word); //0-page_word个文字 cutStr为func.global中的函数 foreach ($this->cut_tag as $v){ $cut_start = strrpos($str_first, $v); //逆向查找第一个分页符的位置 if ($cut_start){ $page_arr[$i++] = substr($this->pagestr, 0, $cut_start).$v; $cut_start = $cut_start + strlen($v); break; } } if (($cut_start+$this->page_word)>=$str_len_word){ //如果超过总字数 $page_arr[$i++] = substr($this->pagestr, $cut_start, $this->page_word); }else{ while (($cut_start+$this->page_word)<$str_len_word){ foreach ($this->cut_tag as $v){ $str_tmp = substr($this->pagestr, $cut_start, $this->page_word); //取第cut_start个字后的page_word个字符 $cut_tmp = strrpos($str_tmp, $v); //找出从第cut_start个字之后,page_word个字之间,逆向查找第一个分页符的位置 if ($cut_tmp){ $page_arr[$i++] = substr($str_tmp, 0, $cut_tmp).$v; $cut_start = $cut_start + $cut_tmp + strlen($v); break; } } } if (($cut_start+$this->page_word)>$str_len_word){ $page_arr[$i++] = substr($this->pagestr, $cut_start, $this->page_word); } } } } $this->sum_page = count($page_arr); //总页数 $this->pagearr = $page_arr; return $page_arr; } //显示上一条,下一条 function pagenav(){ $this->set_url(); $str = ''; //$str .= $this->ipage.'/'.$this->sum_page; for($i=1;$i<=$this->sum_page;$i++){ if($i==$this->ipage) { $str.= "".$i." "; }else{ $str.= "url.$i."'>".$i." "; } } return $str; } function show_prv_next2(){ $this->set_url(); $str = ''; if ($this->sum_page>1 and $this->ipage>1){ $str.= "url.($this->ipage-1)."'>上一页 "; } if ($this->sum_page>1 and $this->ipage<$this->sum_page){ $str .= "url.($this->ipage+1)."'>下一页"; } return $str; } function show_page_select(){ if ($this->sum_page>1){ $str = " "; } return $str; } function show_page_select_wap(){ if ($this->sum_page>1){ $str = ""; } return $str; } function set_url(){ parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], $arr_url); unset($arr_url["ipage"]); if (empty($arr_url)){ $str = "ipage="; }else{ $str = http_build_query($arr_url)."&ipage="; } $this->url = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?".$str; } } ?> ]]>